1. Classifying the Nunivak Island Coastline Using the Random Forest Integration of the Sentinel-2 and ICESat-2 Data. Land 2022, 11,240. 通讯作者 2. ICESat-2 laser data denoising algorithm based on a back propagation neural network Appl. Opt 2022. 61, 8395-8404. 通讯作者 3. Deep-Sea Seabed Sediment Classification Using Finely Processed Multibeam Backscatter Intensity Data in the Southwest Indian Ridge. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 2675. 通讯作者 4. Accurate Refraction Correction—Assisted Bathymetric Inversion Using ICESat-2 and Multispectral Data, Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(21): 4355. 通讯作者 5. Measurement of Atmospheric CO2 Column Concentrations Based on Open-Path TDLAS. Sensors, 2021, 21(5). 通讯作者 6. 基于改进DBSCAN算法的ICESat-2海面点数据去噪处理及精度评估[J].海洋通报, 2021, 40(6): 675-682. 通讯作者 7. Accuracy Assessment of a Seamless Depth Datum Model established on the Basis of the Global Ocean Tide Model, Journal of Coastal Research, 2020, 99(sp1): 74-78. 第一作者 8. Object-based island hierarchical land cover classification using unmanned aerial vehicle multitype data, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2020, 14(3): 034514. 通讯作者 9. Vehicle-mounted validations of a 1.55-mu m all-fiber continuous-wave coherent laser radar for measuring aircraft airspeed, Optical Engineering, 2019, 58(1): 014103. 第二作者 10. 低空旋翼无人机载LiDAR系统在海岛测绘中的应用,海洋湖沼通报, 2019, (02): 162-170. 通讯作者 11. 基于PCA的时间分辨油荧光光谱分析及优化,光学精密工程, 2017, (04): 352-358. 第一作者 12. 船载激光扫描系统在海岛测绘中的应用,海洋湖沼通报, 2015, (03): 108-112. 第一作者 |